Other groups

VMS Personal Training

Female Fitness Class every Monday 7.30-8.30pm Sutton-on-the-Forest Village Hall
Booking available week by week £5
Call or message to save a place.
01347 810472
07493 887505

Keep Fit meets at the Methodist Chapel on Tuesday evenings between 5.30 – 6.30pm. Please contact Carole Smith on 810057 for more details.

Monday Club meets every second Monday of the month at 7.30pm at Huby Methodist Chapel. Please contact Carole Smith on 810057 for more details.

Women’s Institute Huby W.I.  meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.30 In Huby Methodist Chapel.

Visitors and new members always welcome.

Sutton and Huby Gardening Club meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm and alternates between Huby Methodist Chapel and Sutton Village Hall. The Secretary is Pam Bankes of Huby (pamela.bankes@virgin.net). Alternatively contact Derek Jacobs, Sutton, Chairman, 01347810208 (djj3@btinternet.com)

Huby and Sutton Show – Chairman Gary Dunning 810406 / Secretary Sue Bracewell 810148

Neighbourhood Watch  is coordinated by Jackie & Simon Bullough – 01347 810873.

1 comment for “Other groups

  1. If anyone has any idea of whom to get in touch with as regards to the Huby angling club and fishing on the wharfe between the viaduct and Harewood bridge, cheers.

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