Wednesdays in Huby Methodist Church 4.45-5.45pm
Contact Karen 01347 810494
email: ktndixie1010@aol.com
The villages of Huby and Sutton on Forest both have thriving Brownie units for girl aged 7 – 10 years.
Huby Wednesdays:
Contact: Lynn 810655, email: lynnmwagstaff@btinternet.com
Sutton on the Forest Tuesdays:
Contact: Kathy 810229, email: kathruddock@yahoo.co.uk
The Guide unit is currently in abeyance due a shortage of Leaders.
If you would be interested in becoming a Leader and enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling role, please contact Belinda 01347 823077
References and CRB will be required in accordance with Guiding regulations. Full training and support will be given
To put your daughter’s name on a waiting list or to find out about becoming a volunteer go to the Girlguiding UK website: www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested